My new favorite magazine and Betsey teamed up to do an eleven page shoot to take the readers though each decade of the world of Betsey. We spent a month conceptualizing the shoot with our pink tank-think tank (Betsey, Katelyn,
Petra, Ashley and I) and the endlessly creative Bullett team. Buy a copy now you will not be sorry! I have some great candid photos to share as we go through the best day ever.
After Betsey decided she wanted to do a retrospective of each decade of her designs, we began searching for her vintage garments she wanted in the shoot. This is no easy task because her archive is in an enormous warehouse in quite a state of disorder. Betsey knew which pieces she wanted for each shot, so the pink tank-think tank went to the warehouse and searched until we found everything.
Once we had everything together Betsey began to style each look for five shots. Outfits for four models and Betsey, no problem I thought...I was wrong it was like doing a fashion show. We changed our minds left and right, alterations were needed along with finding accessories, all in a very short time. I tried on countless outfits as we considered how we wanted each shot. We were styling until the last minute. We were even styling at the shoot!
Another major part of the process was deciding where to shoot. After mulling over location after location, Betsey finally decided that she wanted to shoot at her apartment. Logistics nightmare! Her apartment is tiny! Thankfully, we had the most amazing photographer, Mick Rock. He is the kind of guy that makes everything work and turns your whole experience into a rock and roll show.
The day of the shoot we were prepped and ready! We met the camera crew 9:00am sharp at Betsey's apartment. The models trickled in and we began sitting for make-up which was inspired by this photo by Ellen Von Unwerth.

Mick Rock arrived just as we finished hair and make-up. I had all the garments labeled and ready for each model for each shot, so it was simple to dress everyone. Since I helped style I got first dibs (tehe lucky me)! I picked the sickest black and white striped cotton Lycra jump suit and motorcycle gloves.While the camera crew was setting up, Mick went in to the bedroom and meditated. This was interesting to me and I was interested to see how this would help him in his creative process. When he finished meditating, Mick brought Betsey and the four of us into Betsey bedroom for the 80's shot. We all piled on the bed and Mick began growling and yelling "yes, give it to me!" The five of us erupted in giggles, his rantings had helped us relax. He was everything you think a New York fashion photographer would be and it was really easy to "work it" for him. I now think that maybe I should try meditation. Later Mick got on the bed with all of us for some memories.

Mick is burried in there some where!
The next shot was the 60's! We changed our lipstick and jumped into bright color-blocked frocks and heidi hats. Betsey sported a David Bowie T-shirt as she sat a top a ladder on her balcony. I stood on her right and held on to her leg because I was scared that she would fall off as she vogued on top of the ladder.
For the 70's shot we dragged Betsey's bed out of her bedroom so we could stand in front of the wall of mirrors attached to her closet. Betsey did the splits on the floor and the four of us stood over her in sexy model poses.
Next we took it to the streets to literally stop traffic for a Beatles Abby road shot. We danced down the side walk to 5th ave and came to the realization that we could not possibly stop Manhattan traffic. Undaunted, we headed into central park and posed on some stairs. Betsey joked, "we looked like a rock band, Betsey and the Babes!" After we started to draw a crowd with our antics, we headed back to BJ's apartment for the final shot.

When we arrived back at the apartment we realized that it was only three o'clock, why not do an extra shot? Luckily, I had thought ahead and pulled some other excellent risque vintage from Betsey archive including; a bathing suit with shark teeth on the tits (of course I wore that one!), a chiffon lime dress that says flapper and another neon pink pop-over tunic with a picture of hands on the nipples above the word JOB. You can make your own assumptions about the way this shot went, but it was quite girltastic! This shot didn't make the spread in Bullett but you still get to see it!
We saved the 90's shot for last because we had to get all wet (this story is starting to sound really dirty;)! Betsey's idea for the shot was to have all us in chiffon dresses, soaking wet in her tub. The boys shooting B-roll got quite the kick out of all of us hosing each other down and there were a couple of red faces in the room!
Mascara running, freezing cold
(L-R) Natalia, Kim, Me, Julie (from Bullett), Rachel, Betsey, Mick Rock, Sah (from Bullett)
After we dried off and packed up we popped a bottle of champagne to celebrate the shoot and my birthday, which was the next day! Betsey found some random birthday napkins and set them out with some pastries from Dean and Deluca. She is such a great hostess!
The next day Betsey gave me a picture she drew of me in the shark teeth bikini from the shoot. This is probably one of the coolest things I own!
Thank you so much Bullett and Betsey!
Till next adventure!